Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Life is good, right?

Assalamualaikum wbt.
Hello guys! Annyeong hasaeyo..👀
Here we are today, hope all of you are in the pink.
Welcome to my blog hehehe!!!😀 So as you can see, this is my first entry. :)

'Saya budak baru belajar, ambil galah tolong jolokkan' heeeee. As the first entry of mine is going, I would like to ask a favor from you guys to take a look and enjoy my writing, okay?
As the day passing by, we all have our own desire in our life, right?
We desire of a good soul mate, we desire of a big house, we desire of beautiful and cute children, and many more. But sometimes, without our consciousness, the life itself hits us hard before we achieving all those kind of desire.
We drown.
We fall,
We get mad.
We get upset.
We face disappointment,
We think that the Lord doesn't pay attention to us.
... and slowly we back off, we turn around from Him.

As the time goes by, the day turns into night and vice versa, then here the people started to question. Question of 'why this happened?', 'why it must be me?', 'how to face this?', 'does the god know that i'm not strong enough to face this?'.
Not only those questions, but also equipped with tons of bad words, downgrading their own 'worthy' selves.

'I'm weak' , ' I'm a loser', 'I don't deserve to be happy' , 'I think I should isolate myself from others', 'Everybody doesn't love me anymore', 'I'm such a toxic, waste product' ,
last but not least................... 'It is good enough if I die right now and not to burden anyone else, not to interrupt in their life, right , my cat?'

Yeah, finally I lose. I feel want to sleep more than hating myself.(*evil laugh + *mata ke atas,tgn ke bahu). K, forget it, i know it's a lame joke haha.(*black moon emoji)

Tik .. tok.. tik..  tok ... The clock keeps ticking, thus alarming. I just woke up in another priceless day, seeing the good and amazing view from my room. The bitter thought last night knocking me to the reality. 
'Why I think such not good thought for my mind yesterday?' , ' I better get myself to reality', 'I'm good enough, why should I say such things?' 'My God gives me good life since I was little until now'. 'Heyyyyyy wake up, girl. You are not being grateful. Look at your surrounding. He bestowed upon you good people, happy family, loyal friends, funny siblings, caring neighbours. How can you still not being grateful? Shame, on you,babe , :') '

I feel so shy with myself. Even with the one who had created me into this Earth. Can't even acceptable to hide in the darkest and tranquil cave.

"As I go to the shop nearby my house, I suddenly bumped into a handicap person with a little cute boy with her". I couldn't say anything else. My heart tore apart and broke into pieces.
Now I've realized that my life is wayyyyy more better and luckier than this unlucky woman.
I went home, bringing an empty soul inside. Having no hesitation, I prayed. As I couldn't help myself from refraining a pure transparent liquid falling from my pair of eyes, I, cried. 😿

After praying, I wish in my heart,
"You gonna be alright, gurl".
"Don't worry".
"Those problems are just smaller than you. They are nothing but some lessons to be pondered in life".
"You will grow bigger with those thorns and storm".
"Be patient, some great things are waiting for you. They are just ready now to be yours".

After all, everything depends on us.
If we see the bad things as good, then it will be good.
If we see the good things as bad, then it will be bad.
Human's eyes, together with their hearts, eventually set on everything, as the life are theirs.
The choices are in your grasp.

"Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it." 
-Lou Holtz-

"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." 

-Abraham Lincoln-

"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better." -Ralph Waldo Emerson-
"People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built." - Eleanor Roosevelt -
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." - Helen Keller -

Therefore, all above prove that 'Life is good, right?' .


  1. Congratulations sya for your first entry! Looking forward for more of your writing and I'm rooting for you! :)

    1. Thanks very much im for your support! hehe alright, stay tune 😉
